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/ Ian & Stuart's Australian Mac 1993 September / September 93.iso / Archives / Personal

Jump To: Directory (55)  |  Archive (13)  |  Text (1)  |  Other (1)

Directories (55)
Name# Files   Name# Files   Name# Files
$tock$tack v2.1g4   Astro Calc2   Astro-Lo2
Astrology Clock 1.13   Biorhythm & ErrorCharts3   Biorhythm 22
ColorKnit3   Crystal Ball 1.02   Digital Cookbook 1.13
EdgeDCS4   Finance 2.0 2   Flags 1.13
Fortune Cookies4   Fortune Teller 2   GolfMaster! 1.1.2p3
Gradebook3   GuildWorks WorkBook™2   Hexagramer2
Home Brewers4   HyperTree II4   Kaleidos Kache™4
Karma Manager™4   Lotto8   MacAstro 1.3.17
MacBartender v2.5.14   MacRoots 7.0.12   MacStardate3
MicroBartender 2.35   Minaret-132   MoonPhaser2
My Private Diary 2.12   novice typist4   Nuclear Blast Calc II16
Occult Pick•It1   Oracle 2.0 cdev2   PediDose2
Personal Journal3   Personality Tests2   PianoSim 1.13
Prime2   PurityTest2   QuoteMaster™ 2.3.44
Reflections1.12   ReMinder©2   Softball Calc 1.105
Synchronicity™ 1.03   Tarot-Matic 2.0 HC 2   TheStabilizer3
TimeLines v2.04   TypingHelper2   USDebt 5.22
VocabuLarry 1.0b4   Wine Folder3   Wine Handler3
Winemakers Notebook4

Archives (13)
NameFormat# FilesSizeDate
BabyNamesStack MacBinary 2 327KB 1990-10-21
Cycle Fit MacBinary 2 91KB 1993-10-22
Dive Log 1.6 MacBinary 2 60KB 1993-10-22
ExerciseLog1.02 MacBinary 2 323KB 1993-09-01
Geneology Chart MacBinary 2 91KB 1993-10-22
LyfeTyme™ Calendar MacBinary 2 99KB 1989-05-01
Our Family Tree 1.3 MacBinary 2 58KB 1993-09-27
overWeight?_2.0 MacBinary 2 112KB 1993-09-12
P.C. Dictionary 4.1 MacBinary 2 35KB 1993-10-22
Postcards From Hell 1.0 MacBinary 2 116KB 1993-10-22
The Mystic Eightball MacBinary 2 237KB 1993-09-12
Window to Infinity MacBinary 2 211KB 1993-09-08
WorldPop MacBinary 1 7KB 1993-09-29

Text (1)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
MobyWords™ First Names Database Text File 24,989 179KB 1989-04-23

Other Files (1)
NameFormat# FilesSizeDate
Psychic Project MacOS Executable 2 718KB 1990-10-04